Looking for a way to cut the costs of multiplying camera angles?
Why is multi camera synchronization important when filming sport?
Sports audiences today want to watch over an athlete’s shoulder as they prepare for a big race, and to see the player’s angle on a controversial tackle. Then after the event, they want to tune into social media to see a whole different perspective on a game or event. This is creating an increasing demand for additional camera angles and, as a result, the volume of content delivered to postproduction is also rising. Managing multiplying camera angles during production and in post is expensive.
What if one camera operator could control and manage 25 cameras? And all this content was delivered to post pre-synched?
So, how do you reduce these extra production costs?
This is where our sync for sport solutions could help. Timecode Systems synchronizes content from multiple sound and video sources at the point of shooting. This gives you rapid access to the moments that matter most to teams, fans and sponsors, significantly reducing time in postproduction and making capturing additional camera angles a more cost-effective process.
Read about it in action
Whether your filming to provide video analysis for training, or rigging cameras to capture every controversial moment in game or to provide a unique perspective on an event, our wireless solutions can be configured to meet the unique requirements of any set up.